Best Website Builder for photography
Best Website Builder for photography: so you're finally ready to build your website photography or your portfolio photography template you're ready to get it out there
I'm going to be addressing some of the best website builders that you can use to get your portfolio up and running so the main three things that I'll be going over today.
Website Builder for photography
1. Domain Name
Setting up a hosting plan and the different website builders that you can use to build your creation get it looking how you want it for something that's reflective of your style and that's also going to accomplish the goals that you're trying to reach so first things first let's buy the domain name
Now my suggestion is that you always go and you buy your own domain name now there's a couple of different websites that you can use to do this you know the popular ones are GoDaddy, Namecheap Bluehost, Hostgator.
there's a plethora of them out there buying a domain name is going to cost you about 10 to 20 bucks they usually don't cost a lot but you always want to buy your domain name first. why this is so important.
2. Hosting
so think of it as in two ways your domain name is like the digital land right it's like the land that you just bought that's the domain name now your hosting is the house that you're going to put on the land so this is going to be where people can come and see your work and check out everything that you got going on they can get in contact with you.
so buying your domain name basically is just reserving that domain name so nobody else can use it and then your hosting is what makes it live on the internet so that when people type in that domain name they actually have a website that they're viewing now there are two ways to go about buying your hosting you can buy an outright hosting plan, you can buy that from the same type of websites like GoDaddy Hostgator Bluehost.
3. Website Builder
The second way you can do it is by going through a website builder, website builder would be something like a Weebly a Wix Squarespace format these are website builders now they provide other services like hosting and buying a domain name as well but this is for the second step which is hosting so you can either buy it outright or you can buy it through a website provider now if you buy the hosting outright you're probably going to use a platform like WordPress.
WordPress allows you to build websites they have all types of plugins WordPress is basically like the ultimate website builder it does take longer to learn how to use the platform but it will have more longevity down the road depending on how involved you're trying to be with your website
If you have a developer or you're going to have somebody else design a website for you WordPress might be the way to go but if you're doing it yourself you just want to have drag and drop templates that look good and fit your style and your personality and you just want to make some adjustments here and there then you're probably going to go with
The second option which is using a website builder and like I said those website builders are Squarespace Wix Weebly and etc. there's a bunch of them out there now when it comes to the website builders you have really two options right you have WordPress like I said which takes longer to learn but it's fully customizable right if you're a programmer or you know how to code then you might want to go with WordPress alright now to be fair.
WordPress does offer different templates that you can drag and drop but it is going to be more involved like I said it takes longer to set up but it will be the cheapest option that will give you the most customization because no matter where you're trying to take that website whether you're just starting off as a portfolio or then eventually you want to offer some type of e-commerce where people can buy stuff off you whether they're buying prints or they're buying merch, or whatever the case may be then.
WordPress is a good way to go because it will give you longevity down the road but it does take longer to get set up there's a lot of different plugins which is essentially a third-party service that allows you to do different things but it is going to be your cheapest option it's going to take the longest to set up but it has the most longevity out of it depending on what you're trying to do
Now if you just want to get up and running within an hour you want to use a website builder like Squarespace which is what I personally use you can use Wix you can use Weebly you can use the format they're all going to be designed a little bit different to fit your goals and suit your needs of what it is that you're trying to accomplish
Now if you're looking to get up and running you know within an hour or so you're going to want to go with the website builders like Squarespace Wix Weebly format they all vary on you know options that they offer depending on what you're trying to accomplish now I myself use Squarespace and basically, I use my website as just a portfolio just a place for people to come to check out my work and then also get in contact with me and let me know about any upcoming projects.
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